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Search and Filter the Direct Costs List

Suggested Prior Reading

General Navigation for Lists

Direct Costs - Overview

Direct Costs List – Layout and Navigation



The Direct Costs List is accessed by clicking Direct Costs from the Project navigation menu. 

The Direct Costs List can be searched.


The Direct Costs List View can be filtered to show only Contracts with certain status(es) and/or Type(s). 

Multiple selections can be made from the filter drop down. If more than one Status is selected, then it is an OR relationship between Statuses. (i.e. display if “Draft” OR “Out for Bid”). If more than one Type is selected, then it is an OR relationship between Types. (i.e. display if “Expense” OR “Payroll”). 

If selections are made in both Statuses and Types, then it is an AND relationship between Status and Type. (i.e. display if Status=”Draft” AND Type=”Expense”).



To Search for a Direct Costs:

Click in the Search box at the top right of the form and type the information to search for. The list will be narrowed to display only those Direct Costs matching what is typed in. See General Navigation for Lists for more information on how the search works. The fields that are searched are always the fields that are visible in the table.


To apply a filter to the list of Direct Costs or change an existing filter:

1)     Click on the Filter box at the top left of the form (in the same row as the Search but to the right)

The list is separated by Type and Status

2)     Click on the Status to filter by. A check mark will appear next to the selection.

3)     Click on more than one Status if required. Check marks appear next to the selection.

4)     Click on a status that is checked marked to toggle it off.

5)     Repeat the same steps for Types

6)     Click outside of the Filter box when the filters are applied to remove display of the filter list.

The filters currently applied display in the filter box.

This filter will be applied temporarily. When the Direct Cost List form is closed and reopened, the default settings will be applied.  To permanently set the filter, every time the form is opened, see Modify Direct Cost List Settings.



Next Steps 

Things to do before you add a Direct Cost 

Add a Direct Cost 

View or Edit an existing Direct Cost 

Manage the Status of a Direct Cost 

Delete a Direct Cost


See Also


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