Adding an Unbudgeted Line Item to the Budget

Adding an Unbudgeted Line Item to the Budget



Unbudgeted line items will appear on the Budget in red highlighting and with an exclamation mark to the left side. 

Unbudgeted line items are those items that are added via separate entry of a Direct Cost, Subcontract, Subcontract Change Order or Purchase Order or Invoice that have a Cost Code and Cost Type that are not setup already as line items on the Budget. 

Unbudgeted line items can be left as unbudgeted or on an unlocked budget, can be added to the Budget.



To add an unbudgeted line item to the Budget:

1) Right click the unbudgeted line item

2) Select the option to add the line item to the budget. 

Additionally, changing the budgeted cost of the unbudgeted line item will make it a budgeted line item and remove the exclamation mark.

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