All Categories > Job Costing > Budget
To save the new or modified Budget View. Click the Save button in the lower right of the form when finished to save all the information and exit the form.
Updated 1 year ago by Customer Service
Delete a Column from a Budget View. To delete a column from a Budget View In the “Columns” section on the left hand side, click the Delete button (red trash can) Next Steps. Add a Column to the Budge…
Modify a Column in a Budget View. To modify a column, such as changing the Filter that apply to a Source column or the Calculation for a Calculated column 1) In the “Columns” section on the left hand…
Add a Column to the Budget View. To begin, determine whether or not a pre-set system defined data source is the column to be added or a custom calculated column is to be added (see Managing Budget Vi…
Enter Budget View name, description and default view setting. 1) Enter the name of the Budget View. This will appear in the dropdown list when selecting the view to display 2) Enter a description of…
Overview of View/Create/Edit Budget View Form. The Edit Budget View form is where you can create and edit views into the Budget. Views can contain data from: · Pre-set, system defined data sources (s…
Delete an existing Budget view. Budget Views are deleted from the Budget View List. See Accessing Budget View List. To delete an existing view, from the Budget View List: 1) Hover on the view that yo…
Add New Budget View. New Budget Views are added from the Budget View List. See Accessing Budget View List. To add a new view, from the Budget View List: 1) Click + Create View button. The Select View…
Accessing Budget View List (to manage Views). To manage Budget Views and create custom calculations for the budget: 1) From the Project Navigation Menu click on Budget. 2) Click in the drop down on t…
Overview of Budget Fields and Calculations. Views are a way to view the Budget data. There is a default budget view that is created in the system with the pre-set system fields that contain the main…
Adding an Unbudgeted Line Item to the Budget. Overview. Unbudgeted line items will appear on the Budget in red highlighting and with an exclamation mark to the left side. Unbudgeted line items are th…
Make Budget Modifications to a Locked Budget by Transferring costs between line items. A locked budget can have Budget Modifications where costs for one-line item on a budget can be transferred to an…
Lock or Unlock a Budget. A budget can be locked so that the original budget values can’t be changed. The Forecast to complete can still be changed. Commitments, subcontract change orders, Direct Cost…
Connect the Project to a Project in the ERP System. If there is an integration to an ERP system, the link between the Project in Pantera and the project in the ERP system needs to be established. The…
Change the Forecast to Complete. The Forecast to Complete is by default automatically calculated by the system: - Project Budget – Projected Costs The automatic calculation always assumes that 100% o…
Edit the Budget Amount for a Budget Line Item. There are multiple ways the budgeted amount for a line item can be edited. New Budget Line Items can be added to the Budget from the Budget List View (f…
Delete a line item from the Budget. A Budget Line Items can be deleted from the Budget List View. Right click on the line item, select Delete. Next Steps. Lock Budget
Bulk Add line items to a Budget (via an Excel spreadsheet). New Budget Line Items can be added to the Budget from the Budget List View (from the Project Navigation Menu click on Budget to access the…
Add Tax for a Budget Line Item. Tax may be setup as a separate cost code code and/or cost type. Before adding tax as a budget line item, the cost code and cost type to be assigned to it, should be de…
Add New Individual Line Item (to the Budget). New Budget Line Items can be added to the Budget from the Budget List View. To add new line items, from the Budget List View: 1) Click the Add Line Items…
Budget - Overview. The Budget for a project consists of all the items required to complete the project work. The items to be added to the Budget are selected form a set of predefined Categories/Cost…
Navigation of the Budget List View. To view and manage the Budget, from the Project Navigation Menu click on Budget. The line items will be grouped as per the Groups setup in the Settings option. The…
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