Overview of View/Create/Edit Budget View Form

Overview of View/Create/Edit Budget View Form

The Edit Budget View form is where you can create and edit views into the Budget. 

Views can contain data from:

·       Pre-set, system defined data sources (see Managing Budget Views and Creating Custom Calculations)

o   Filter can also be applied to these data sources to only show certain information (such as “Approved” Direct Costs)

·       Custom calculated fields – that can be created as required for your project


There are two sections on the Edit Budget View form: 

View Information – This is the name, description and whether or not it’s the default view 

Columns – The columns that appear on the View, including the preset, system defined data sources, any filters selected to those and any custom fields.


Next Steps

Enter Budget View name, description and default view setting 

Add a Column to the Budget View 

Delete a Column from the Budget View

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