Add a Column to the Budget View

Add a Column to the Budget View

To begin, determine whether or not a pre-set system defined data source is the column to be added or a custom calculated column is to be added (see Managing Budget Views and Creating Custom Calculations – Data Sources for more information on pre-set system defined data sources). 

There are multiple ways to add a column to the view.

1)     Click the + New Column button on the lower left hand side of the form

2)     In the drop down, click Source (to add pre-set system defined data source) or Calculated (to create a custom calculation)


Click + Source (to add pre-set system defined data source)


Click + Calculated (to create a custom calculation)


Adding a Source column (pre-set system defined data source with a filter applied or not) 

1)     Enter the Column Name – make this a descriptive but shorter name to describe what the calculation is. This is used as the column header on view.

2)     Click in the Data Source

3)     The Data Source drop down appears. (see Managing Budget Views and Creating Custom Calculations – Data Sources for more information on pre-set system defined data sources). Click on the Data Source you want to display.

4)     If there is a Filter applicable to the Data Source (such as selecting only those items with a certain status), a Filter drop down appears. To set a filter, click in the drop down and select the filter to apply. A checkmark appears next to it.

5)     If there is more than one, click on as many as needed.

6)     To remove a filter, click on the item again and the checkmark will be removed.

7)     After the filters are set, click anywhere on the form to save the selections and get out of the list drop down

What was selected will be displayed.

8)     A default Format is displayed. Click in the drop down of the format to change it. The options are Money ($), Percent (%) or Integer

9)     To add the Column, click 

The Column displays in the left-hand side under Columns.


Adding a Calculated column (custom calculation) 

1)     Enter the Column Name – make this a descriptive but shorter name to describe what the calculation is. This is used as the column header on view.

2)     A default Format is displayed. Click in the drop down of the format to change it. The options are Money ($), Percent (%) or Integer

3)     Under the “Calculations” header, click in the top “Column” drop down, to see a list of all the pre-set system defined data sources to use in the calculation

4)     Click in the “Operator” box to see the drop down list of operators to choose from (plus, minus, multiply or divide)

5)     Click in the bottom “Column” drop down (next to the Operator box), to see a list of all the pre-set system defined data sources to use in the second part of the calculation. Select one.

6)     If the calculation is complete, click out of the column.

7)     To add additional calculations, click the + next to the last Column displayed. Enter the Operator and additional Column as above. 

The Column displays in the left-hand side under Columns.


Next Steps 

Delete a Column from the Budget View


To save the new or modified Budget View

 Click the Save button in the lower right of the form when finished to save all the information and exit the form.

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