Overview of Budget Fields and Calculations

Overview of Budget Fields and Calculations

Views are a way to view the Budget data. There is a default budget view that is created in the system with the pre-set system fields that contain the main information in regards to the budget. However, additional custom views can be created, the default view can be modified or deleted or a different default view can be set. 

The pre-set, system defined Budget Field calculations can not be changed. See Calculated FIelds below for the description. These Calculated can be displayed in Budget views, they can have different filters or parameters assigned (for example only show Approved Commitment Change Orders versus all Commitment Change Orders in any status) and they can also be used to create custom calculations.


Preset Budget Calculated Fields 

Data Source


Original Budget

Entered Budget Amount

Budget Modifications

Total Calculation of Budget Modifications (net amount of modifications)

Revised Budget

Original Budget + all Budget Modifications

Pending Budget Changes

Contracts with statuses:

o   Out for bid

o   Out for signature

AND Contract Change Orders with statuses:

o   In Review

o   Pricing

o   Proceeding

o   Revised

Projected Budget

Revised Budget + Pending Budget Changes

Committed Costs

Commitments with statuses:

o   Approved

o   Complete

o   Closed

AND Commitment change orders with statuses:

o   Approved

AND Direct Costs with statuses:

o   Approved

Direct Costs

All Direct Costs

Pending Cost Changes

Commitments with statuses:

o   Processing

o   Out for bud

o   Out for signature

o   Submitted

o   Partially Received

o   Received

AND Commitment change orders with statuses:

o   In Review

o   Pricing

o   Proceeding

o   Revised

AND Direct Costs with statuses:

o   Pending

Projected Costs

Committed Costs + Pending Costs

Forecast to Complete

IF auto-calculated (not manually overridden): Projected Budget - Projected Costs

IF manually overridden, will always be the total of the forecast line items


Contracts (filters can be set as to which Contracts)

Contract Change Orders

Contract Change Orders (filters can be set as to which Contract Change Orders)


Commitments (filters can be set as to which Commitments)

Commitments Change Orders

Commitments Change   (filters can be set as to which Commitment Change Orders)

Payable Invoices

Payable Invoices (filters can be set as to which Payable Invoices)

Receivable Invoices

Receivable Invoices (filters can be set as to which Receivable Invoices)

Unit Price

Unit Price



Approved Changes

Approved Changes



Create Custom Calculations

Any of the preset Budget Fields can be used to create custom calculations. 

The fields can be selected and other fields can be added, subtracted, divided multiplied to any other fields or multiple other fields. 

The results can be displayed as dollar values, percentages or integers (rounded to the nearest whole number). 

Custom Calculations are created when creating Budget Views.


Next Steps

Accessing Budget View List (to manage Views) 

Add New Budget View 

Delete an existing Budget View 

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