Purchase Order – Overview

Purchase Order – Overview

Suggested Prior Reading

Commitments – Overview

Add a Commitment

View or Edit an Existing Commitment

Relationship Between Purchase Order and Purchase Order Invoice

Purchase Order – Status

Commitments - Calculated Totals



One way to record a Commitment in the system is with a Purchase Order which is usually a one off, one-time commitment.

Viewing all the details of a Purchase Order, adding a new one or editing the information for an existing one is all done via the View/Add/Edit Purchase Order form.

See the Suggested Prior Reading above for the steps to access the View/Add/Edit Purchase Order form depending on what you are trying to do.

A Purchase Order has two sections of information which is entered:

·       General Information – such as the Contracted Company, the Purchase Order Number etc.

·       Schedule of Values – the individual line items and values that make up the Purchase Order

Once a Purchase has been created, Invoices can be created for the Purchase Order.

The status of the Purchase Order can be set to manage the Purchase Order throughout its life cycle. See Purchase Order – Status for more information.

Purchase Orders will appear in Commitments Calculated Totals as well as on the budget (see Overview of Budget Fields and Calculations)

Invoices can also be recorded for a Purchase Order. Invoices also have a schedule of values to show the work being invoiced. These will be automatically populated from the Purchase Order Schedule of Values as well as additional items can be added.

See Relationship Between Purchase Order and Purchase Order Invoice for more information.


Review the View/Add/Edit Purchase Form – Layout and Navigation. 

Access the View/Add/Edit Purchase Order Form via the Add of a Commitment or Viewing or Editing a Commitment 

View/Add/Edit Purchase Order Form – General Information 

View/Add/Edit Purchase Order Form – Schedule of Values 

Purchase Order - Invoices


See Also 


Direct Costs

Adding an Unbudgeted line item to the Budget

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