Enter Budget View name, description and default view setting

Enter Budget View name, description and default view setting

1)     Enter the name of the Budget View. This will appear in the dropdown list when selecting the view to display

2)     Enter a description of the view. This shows on the list of view so you can differentiate them)

3)     Click in the Slider button next to the Default View text to toggle between this view being the default view or not. If it is to the right and green, this will be set as the default view (changing the default from any other view to this one) or if its left and green, it means it is not the default view.


Next Steps 

Add a Column to the Budget View 

Delete a Column from the Budget View 

To save the new or modified Budget View 

Click the Save button in the lower right of the form when finished to save all the information and exit the form.

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