Change the Forecast to Complete

Change the Forecast to Complete

The Forecast to Complete is by default automatically calculated by the system:

-        Project Budget – Projected Costs 

The automatic calculation always assumes that 100% of the project budget will be spent. The project budget is the original project budget plus any modifications. 

The Forecast to Complete can be changed to be manually entered instead of automatically calculated. This is done usually when the forecast changes and that not 100% of the project budget is expected to be spent. 

The Forecast to Complete can be changed from the Budget List View. 

1)     Right click on the line item, select Edit Forecast


If the current view is showing the “Forecast to Complete” column, click on that amount.

The Forecast to Complete form appears

 2)     If the calculation is currently automatic, click on “Switch to Manual Calculation” 

3)     A prompt appears confirming the switch. Click Yes.

The Forecast to Complete form appears. 

4)     Enter a description or notes about the Forecast to Complete amounts. 

5)     Enter either the straight dollar amount or the enter a unit of measure, a quantity and unit cost (depending on what method was set for the line item) 

6)     Click Add Line Item

Repeat the process to add additional line items. 

To remove the line item, click on the Trash can option to the right side of the line. To correct an entry while still on this form, remove it and add it back in (or save it and edit it on the Budget form). 

7)     Click Save. 

To switch back from a manual calculation to the automated calculation:

1)     Right click on the line item, select Edit Forecast


If the current view is showing the “Forecast to Complete” column, click on that amount.

The Forecast to Complete form appears 

2)     Click on the Automatic Calculation button. 

3)     A prompt appears confirming the switch. Click Yes. 

4)     Click Save again to close the form.

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