Bulk Add line items to a Budget (via an Excel spreadsheet)

Bulk Add line items to a Budget (via an Excel spreadsheet) 

New Budget Line Items can be added to the Budget from the Budget List View (from the Project Navigation Menu click on Budget to access the Budget List View). 

To bulk add line items, from the Budget List View: 

1)     Click the Export button, an excel spreadsheet will be created with headers and data (if any populated). 

2)     Remove all the entries except the headers (ensure the headers are left) 

3)     Fill in the data below the headers 

4)     Click the Add Line Items option. 

5)     From the Add Budget Line Items form, click the Import button. The list of items being imported is displayed. 

6)     Click Save.


Next Steps

Edit the Budget Amount for a Budget Line Item 

Lock Budget

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