Navigation of the Budget List View

To view and manage the Budget, from the Project Navigation Menu click on Budget. 

The line items will be grouped as per the Groups setup in the Settings option. The Group heading will display, then the Cost Code and Type totals will show below that. 

Click on the + next to the Group Header to expand out that Group.

Click on the – next to the Group Header to collapse that Group. 

The totals of all the line items for that group will display in the group row. In addition the total for the entire budget will display as the last row. 

Each individual line item on the budget may also have clickable data elements. If the data element is blue and can be hovered over, it can be clicked to bring up the view and edit form for that item, right from the budget view. 

The top line of the Budget form contains options for:



Click in the Search box at the top right of the form and type the information to search for. As you type the line items matching the information entered will be displayed. Generally, any text box field will be searched. The search will include columns that are visible on the grid and columns that aren’t. The search function does not search on money or date fields.


Creating, managing and switching the view

A default view is created in the system with the main fields usually viewed in a budget. However, this view can be modified, new views can be created, the default view can be set, views can be deleted and if there are multiple views, they can be switched between. Creating views includes the option to create custom fields with custom calculations as well as choosing from predefined fields in the system.


To switch between existing views

Click on the drop down on the view drop down list and click the View to display.


To manage Views

Click on the drop down on the view drop down list and click Manage Views. See Budget Views for more information.


Viewing and taking Snapshots of the budget 

A snapshot of the budget can be taken, usually after the budget is approved and prior to any further changes for reference and management purposes.

A snapshot shows the budget line items, however it doesn’t display the commitments or contracts.


To switch between snapshots of the budget and the current version

Click on the drop down on the snapshot drop down list and click the snapshot to display.


To create a New Snapshot

Click on the drop down on the snapshot drop down list and click Create New Snapshot.

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