Things to do before you add a Commitment

Things to do before you add a Commitment

Suggested Prior Reading

Commitments - Overview



When adding a Commitment, the Contracted Company is a required field (i.e. the system must know who the Purchase Order or Subcontract agreement is being done with).

There are also optional fields to identify the Invoice Contact.

These contacts must be setup in the Project Contacts prior to adding the Commitment.

Commitments in certain statuses will also appear on the Budget. It is optional to first create the Budget Line item for the Commitments on the Budget itself (although they can be assigned later on as well).


Before adding a Commitment:

1)     Ensure the vendor or sub-contractor in setup in Project Contacts

2)     To record the contact for the purchase order or Subcontract, ensure the contact is setup in the Project Contacts

3)  Setup Budget line items for the Direct Costs (if they are budgeted). (Un-budgeted Direct Costs can be added to the Budget later on), see Add New Individual Line Item to the Budget or Bulk Add line items to a Budget (via an Excel spreadsheet)


Next Steps

Add a Commitment

 See Also


Commitments - Overview

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