Things to do before you add the first Line Item to the Schedule of Values

Things to do before you add the first Line Item to the Schedule of Values

Suggested Prior Reading

Schedule of Values

Schedule of Values – Layout and Navigation



The Accounting Method for the Schedule of Values should be determined before adding the first line item. Once the first line item is added, the Accounting Method can not be changed. It is set for the entire Schedule of Values. 

The two options for the Accounting Method are: 

·       Amount Based - Entering a single dollar amount for all the line items on the Schedule of Values

·       Unit-Qty Based – The Unit, Quantity and Unit Price is entered and the total amount is automatically calculated by multiplying the three together.



1)     On the Schedule of Values form, click the drop down for the Accounting Method

The two Accounting Method options display.

2)     Select the appropriate one. 

The column headers for the line items will change depending on the Accounting Method displayed.


Next Steps

Add a Line Item to the Schedule of Values

Bulk Import the Schedule of Values Line Items

Edit a Line Item on the Schedule of Values

Delete a Line Item on the Schedule of Values

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