View/Add/Edit Schedule of Values

View/Add/Edit Schedule of Values

Suggested Prior Reading

Schedule of Values

Schedule of Values – Layout and Navigation

Add a Line Item to the Schedule of Values

Edit the Line Item on the Schedule of Values

Delete a Line Item on the Schedule of Values



After the Default Accounting Method is set for the Schedule of Values (see Things to do before you add the first Line Item to the Schedule of Values), the columns of information on the View/Add/Edit form will display according to the Default Accounting Method.


Some of the information on the Line Items are entered via drop down boxes, some are directly typed into and some fields are then automatically calculated.


Add or Change the Line Item

For either Accounting Method applied, the following information is entered:




Cost Code

The Cost Code for the line item. Cost Codes define the categories of the services, equipment, labour, materials etc. Cost Codes are maintained by the System Administrator. See Schedule of Values for more information. This is a required field.


To set or change the Cost Code;

1) Click in the Cost Code drop down

     The information will be separated by budgeted and unbudgeted.

2) Select the Cost Code.


Enter in the Cost Type. The type further describes and categorizes what the item is. Cost Types are maintained by the System Administrator. This is a required field.


To set or change the Cost Type;

1) Click in the Cost Type drop down

2) Select the Cost Type.


Enter a description of the item.

This is an optional field.

The Description appears on the Export PDF for each line item.


If the Accounting Method is set to Unit-Qty Based, the following additional columns appear:



The Unit of Measure for the line item. The Units of Measures are maintained by the System Administrator. This is a required field.


To set or change the Unit of Measure;

1) Click in the Unit drop down

 2) Select the Unit.


The quantity of the Unit of Measure. This is a required field.

Type in the value.

Unit Price

The price per Unit of Measure. This is a required field.

Type in the value.


Then the following columns appear for either of the Accounting Method applied.



The total amount of the line item.

If the Accounting Method is set to Unit-Qty Based, the Amount will be automatically calculated by multiplying the Unit by the Quantity by the Unit Price.

If the Accounting Method is set to Unit-Qty Based, the Amount will be entered.

The Amount appears on the Export PDF for each line item

Billed to Date

This is an automatically calculated field. This shows what has been billed to date.


This s an automatically calculated field. This is the Amount minus the Billed To Date.


Next Steps

Click Close to close the form. If it was not saved, a prompt will appear asking to save the information or not. Choose Cancel to return to the form.

Choose Save to save the information.

Choose Don’t Save.

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