Edit the Budget Amount for a Budget Line Item

Edit the Budget Amount for a Budget Line Item

There are multiple ways the budgeted amount for a line item can be edited. 

New Budget Line Items can be added to the Budget from the Budget List View (from the Project Navigation Menu click on Budget to access the Budget List View). 

1)     Right click on the line item, select Edit Original Budget


If the current view is showing the “Original Budget” column, click on that amount.

The Edit Budgeted Cost form appears 

2)     Change the Method on how to enter the budget amounts if required. There are two options, Amount and Unit Quantity. Choose amount if there is just a straight dollar value to be entered. Choose Unit Quantity, to enter a unit of measure, a quantity and unit cost and the system will automatically calculate the value by multiplying those together.

If the Method was changed and there were previous values, they are erased. 

3)     Enter either the straight dollar amount or the enter a unit of measure, a quantity and unit cost 

4)     Click Save.


Next Steps

Delete a line item from the Budget 

Lock Budget

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