Add Tax for a Budget Line Item

Add Tax for a Budget Line Item

Tax may be setup as a separate cost code code and/or cost type. Before adding tax as a budget line item, the cost code and cost type to be assigned to it, should be determined. 

Tax Budget Line Items can be added to the Budget from the Budget List View

To record tax on a budget line item, from the Budget List View: 

1)     Click the Add Line Items option.

The Add Budget Line Items form appears. 

2)     Select the Cost Code that the tax applies to. Click in the Cost Code data entry box. A list of the Cost Codes is displayed. In the empty box at the top of the list, start to type in the cost code and the list will be narrowed to the match what is entered. Scroll through the list, if required and click on the one to apply. 

3)     Select the Cost Type. Click in the Cost Type data entry box. A list of the Cost Types is displayed. 

4)     Set the Method to Amount. 

5)     Enter the Tax Amount

Repeat the process to add additional tax line items as required (such as if there is more than one tax). 

6)     Click Save.


Next Steps

Edit the Budget Amount for a Budget Line Item 

Lock Budget

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