Make Budget Modifications to a Locked Budget by Transferring costs between line items

Make Budget Modifications to a Locked Budget by Transferring costs between line items 

A locked budget can have Budget Modifications where costs for one-line item on a budget can be transferred to another line item thus not impacting the overall budget. 

The Budget Modification can be done from the Budget List View

To add a Budget Modification, from the Budget List View: 

1)     Click the + Add Budget Modifications button (that’s only available when the budget is locked). 

2)     Select the Line Item Cost Code to transfer the amount from. Click in the From data entry box. A list of the Cost Codes in the Budget is displayed. In the empty box at the top of the list, start to type in the cost code and the list will be narrowed to the match what is entered. Scroll through the list, if required and click on the one to apply. 

3)     Select the Line Item Cost Code to transfer the amount to. Click in the To data entry box. A list of the Cost Codes in the Budget is displayed. In the empty box at the top of the list, start to type in the cost code and the list will be narrowed to the match what is entered. Scroll through the list, if required and click on the one to apply. 

4)     Type in the amount to transfer. 

5)     Enter Notes to describe why the transfer is occurring.

 6)     Click + Add Additional Modifications and repeat the process to add more. 

7)     Click Save.

 In the Budget Modifications column, (if it is visible), the line item with the amount being transferred from will be negative and the line item being transferred to, will be positive.

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