View/Add/Edit Contract - General Information

View/Add/Edit Contract - General Information

Suggested Prior Reading

Things to do before you add a Contract

Add a Contract

View or Edit a Contract



The Contract - General form contains all the general details about Contract such as the Client, Contract dates and default retainage.


The Contract General form is split into various sections:

·       General Information

·       Additional Information

·       Contract Dates

·       Inclusions & Exclusions

·       Attachments

Any items marked with an asterick is a required item.


General Information

The following are the data fields on the General section:





This option identifies whether or not the Contract is fully executed.

Click on the Executed slider (next to the General Information text). It will slide right and turn green to indicate that it is executed.


Click on it again to toggle it off if necessary. . It will slide left and turn gray to indicate it is off.


This is used for viewing purposes from this form.


The Client for whom the work is being done. This may also be called the Owner or Principle. It is the financers of the project. This is a required field. Any Invoices or Change Orders will have this auto-populated into it.


 To add a new Client or change the existing one:

1)     Click on the Pencil button.

The list of Project Contacts is displayed. All Project Contacts setup for the project are displayed and can be selected. See Select Project Contact for more information on the navigating the form.

2)     Click in the box to the left-hand side of the Client to select it. The box will fill in to indicate its selected.

3)     Click Save.


Only one Client can be selected. If there was previously an invoice created and the Contracted Company is deleted or changed, any invoices will be automatically updated.


The Contract Number. This can be manually typed in or the system will auto-populate with a Contract number (with the format as specified in the Settings section) if left blank.

Default Work Retainage

This is the default retainage amount for work type items on the Schedule of Values. All line items created on any Invoices Schedule of Values will have this default work retainage automatically populated into it, but can be changed.

Default Material Retainage

This is the default retainage amount for work type items on the Schedule of Values. All line items created on any Invoices Schedule of Values will have this default material retainage automatically populated into it, but can be changed.


This is a description about the Contract. It appears on the View/Add/Edit form as well on the Export.


Additional Information

In this section, any custom fields created for the Contract are also displayed and will be entered or maintained.


Contract Dates


There are a number of different dates that can be entered for the Contract. The general purpose for the date is described however each organization can develop its own definition as required to what the date specifies.


To enter or change any date:

Type in the date


Click in the Date field to bring up a calendar.

See Entering Dates for more information.


Start Date

The date the Contract is scheduled to begin.

Estimated Completion Date

The date the Contract is scheduled to complete.


Substantial Completion Date

The anticipated date of substantial completion. Funds are usually released at this date.

Actual Complete Date

This is the actual completion date which may or not be the same as the estimated completion date. 

Contract Date

The date of the contract.

Signed Contract Received Date

The date the signed contract was received.  

Letter of Intent Date

The date the letter of intent is effective or was signed (which is the document declaring the preliminary commitment of one party to do business with another and that outlines the main terms of the anticipated deal)

Approval Letter Date

The date on the letter of approval or is effective or was signed. The letter of approval is the formal letter accepting the contract and terms.

Issued On Date

This date represents the date the contract was issued to both parties.

Execution Date

This represents the date the Contract was fully executed.

Returned Date

The date the Contract was returned.

Contract Termination Date

The date when the Contract was terminated.


Inclusions and Exclusions

Inclusions and Exclusions further clarify what is included and not included in the Subcontract. They are included in the Exports.



The work, materials, labour, equipment, services or activities that are specifically included in the Subcontract to be delivered.

Type in the information as required.


The work, materials, labour, equipment, services or activities that will specifically NOT be included in the Subcontract.

Type in the information as required.



To add attachments, such as the actual invoice, or a scanned copy of the bill or receipt:

Drag and drop files to the box


Click on the box to select a file and upload it.


Enter the Schedule of Values

Click on Schedule of Values text at top of form to enter, view or maintain those. See Schedule of Values.


Next Steps

New Contracts or Contracts in Draft, Out for Bid or Out of Signature Statuses

If this is a new Contract being entered, or the Contract is in one of the following statuses; Draft, Out for Bid or Out for Signature, the following buttons are available at the bottom of the form: 

Click the Save button to save the information. The General form closes and the item list form displays.

Click on Save & Email to save the information and send a notification and link to the item.

Click Close to close the form without saving any changes. If changes were made, a prompt appears to:

Cancel – Cancel the close and return to the form.

Save – Save any changes. Close the General form and display the list of the items.

Don’t Save - Don’t’ save any changes. Close the General form and display the list of the items.


Sync to ERP

If it is an approved Contract and if the option to sync to the ERP is enabled, there will be a button to sync to the ERP system. Click Sync to ERP button on the bottom right of the form to sync the Contract with the ERP system. See Sync to ERP.


Change Orders

Click on Change Orders to view, add or edit a Change Order for this Contract. See Contract – Change Orders.



Click on Invoices to view, add or edit a Change Order for this Contract (only Approved Contracts can have Invoices entered). See Contract - Invoices.


Delete Contract

Click the Delete button to remove the entire Contract and all associated Change Orders and Invoices. See Delete a Contract.



Click Close to close the form without saving any changes. If changes were made, a prompt appears to:

Cancel – Cancel the close and return to the form.

Save – Save any changes. Close the General form and display the list of the items.

Don’t Save - Don’t’ save any changes. Close the General form and display the list of the items.

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