View/Add/Edit a Contract Invoice – General Information

View/Add/Edit a Contract Invoice – General Information

Suggested Prior Reading

Contract Change Orders - Overview

Contract Change Orders – Status

Add Contract Change Order

View or Edit an existing Contract Invoice


General - Overview

The Contract Invoice - General form contains all the general details about the Invoice such as the vendor or subcontractor that is doing the work, default retainages and contract dates. 

The Invoice General form is split into various sections:

·       General Information

·       Additional Information

·       Attachments

Any items marked with an asterick is a required item.


General Information




Contracted Company

The vendor or subcontractor that is doing the work, supplying the materials etc. for the Invoice. This will be auto-populated from the Subcontract or Purchase Order and can not be changed.

Invoice Contact

The contact for the Invoice. This will be auto-populated from the Subcontract or Purchase Order and can not be changed.

Invoice #

The Invoice Number. This can be manually typed in or the system will auto-populate with an Invoice number (with the format as specified in the Settings section) if left blank.

Billing Period

The Billing Period in which the invoice should be applied.

Due Date

The Due Date of the Invoice.

Period Start

Used if Billing Periods are not setup or for additional information.

Period End

Used if Billing Periods are not setup or for additional information.


A descriptive note or name of the Invoice

Type in as required. This is for internal tracking and notes.



Additional Information

In this section, any custom fields created for the Invoice are displayed and will be entered or maintained.



To add attachments:

Drag and drop files to the box


Click on the box to select a file and upload it.


Options after entering the General Information


If this is a new Invoice,

Close - Click Close to close the form without saving any changes

Create – Click Create to Create the Invoice

Save & Email 

If this is an existing Invoice, that is not Approved or Complete:

Click the Save button to save the information. The General form closes and the item list form displays.

Click on Save & Email to send a notification and link to the item.

Click Close to close the form without saving any changes. If changes were made, a prompt appears to:

Cancel - Don’t’ save any changes. Close the General form and display the list of the items.

Save – Save any changes. Close the General form and display the list of the items.

Don’t Save - Don’t’ save any changes. Close the General form and display the list of the items. 

If this is an existing Invoice, that is Approved or Complete:

Close - Click Close to close the form without saving any changes

Click Sync to ERP button on the bottom right of the form to sync the Contract Invoice with the ERP system. Only Approved and Complete Invoices can be synched and the option to Sync only appears if the Contract is approved or completed. See Sync to ERP. 

Next Steps

Click on Schedule of Values text at top of form to enter, view or maintain those. See Invoice - Schedule of Values. Note* the General information is not yet saved, but there are Save options on the other forms, that will save the entire Invoice including the general information entered.

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