Approve/Reject Contract ERP Export

Approve/Reject Contract ERP Export


Your ERP Integration may not support this feature. To determine if your Integration supports this, please refer to your integration's supported features.


Using the ERP Admin tool, Approve or Reject a contract that was pushed to ERP


  1. Navigate to the ERP Admin tool
  2. Select the Contracts tab
  3. Select the Ready to Export tab
Approve Export
  1. Select Approve
  2. Enter information into required fields. Depending on your ERP Integration, you may or may not have any fields to fill out here.
  3. Click Export (this button will contain your ERP system's name)
Reject Export
  1. Select Reject
  2. Enter a note to describe why this contract export is being rejected (optional). This will be visible on the contract, and will also be included in the notification sent to the user who pushed the contract to ERP.
  3. Click Submit

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