View or Edit an existing Contract

View or Edit an existing Contract

Suggested Prior Reading

General Navigation for Lists

Contracts - Overview

Contracts List – Layout and Navigation

Filter and Search the Contracts List



To  view or edit a Contract, the Contract must first be located from the Contracts List.

To access the Contract List: from the Project Navigation menu option, click Contracts.

The Contract List displays.

Search for a specific Contract, see Filter and Search the Contracts List. 

To view or edit an existing Contract, from the Contract List: 

1)     Hover the cursor on the Contract

2)     Click the View Contract button to the right of the row (blue box with right arrow).


1)     Right click on a Contract

2)     Select View from the pop-up menu.


Double click on the Contract anywhere on the Contract row.

See View/Add/Edit Contract - General Information.

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