View/Add/Edit Direct Cost – Form Layout and Navigation

View/Add/Edit Direct Cost – Form Layout and Navigation

Suggested Prior Reading

Direct Costs List - Overview

Add a Direct Costs

View or Edit a Direct Costs

Direct Costs – Status



The View/Add/Edit Direct Cost - Form is where the Direct Cost General Information as well as the Schedule of Values for the Direct Cost can be entered and maintained. See the Suggested Prior Reading above to determine how to access the View/Add/Edit Direct Cost form. 

If it is an existing Direct Cost, it is also where

·       A Direct Cost can be deleted 

The View/Add/Edit Direct Cost form has the following main sections; 

Form header - if a new Direct Cost is being added displays “New Direct Cost” or if an existing Direct Cost is being viewed or edited, displays the Direct Cost number.

If it is an existing Direct Cost, the form header has two buttons:

            Email – to send an email with a link to the Direct Cost information

            Export – to export the Direct Cost information. 

Status and Form Navigation Menu – Below the form header is a row that displays the Status (and where the Status can be changed). This row also displays the form navigation menu options.

Form Navigation Text Menu Options

General – This is the default form that shows. It contains all the general information such as Type, Description, Terms and various Dates and is where that information can be viewed and maintained.

Schedule of Values - This is where the detailed Direct Costs line items are viewed and maintained.

The status can be changed directly from the drop down. For more information on the statuses see Direct Costs - Status. 

Form Footer

If it is an existing Direct Cost, the form footer has the following button on the left side:

            Delete – to delete the Direct Cost. 

For new or existing Direct Costs, the form footer has the following buttons on the right side:

            Close – to close the form (a prompt appears to confirm saving any changes).

            Save – Save the information on all forms and close the form.

            Save & Email – save the information and generate an email form to send a link to the information 



Click on the Navigation menu text to toggle between the different forms. The currently selected form will have the text highlighted in blue. 

Change or Set Direct Cost Status 

View/Add/Edit Direct Cost - General Information 

View/Add/Edit - Schedule of Values 

Delete the Direct Cost


See Also


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