List of Invoices for a specific Contract - Layout and Navigation

List of Invoices for a specific Contract - Layout and Navigation

Suggested Prior Reading

General Navigation for Lists

Contracts List – Layout and Navigation

Search and Filter the Contracts List

View or Edit an Existing Contract

Contract Invoices – Overview



This form displays any Invoices for the selected, individual Contract and is where Invoices can be viewed, added, edited or deleted.

This list can be accessed by Viewing or Editing an existing Contract.


1)     Select the Contract. See View or Edit an existing Contract.

The View/Add/Edit a Contract form displays. 

See View/Add/Edit Contract - Form Layout and Navigation for more information. 

2)     From the navigation menu option on the form, click Invoices.

A list form appears and any existing Invoices display.

The List of Invoices for a specific Contract has the same header and footer as the View/Add/Edit Contract form. 

The Contract status can be changed from the Invoice list, see Change or set the Contract – Status. 

The navigation menu can be clicked on to toggle between forms. See

View/Add/Edit Contract - General Information

View/Add/Edit Schedule of Values

Contract Change Orders



Sort by different columns to view the information

1)     To sort by a column, click on the column header. The arrows next to the column header name, will show which way the information is sorting, ascending or descending.

2)     To toggle between sorting directions, click on the column header again. 

Add a Contract Invoice 

Edit or Set the Contract Invoice Status 

View or Edit an existing Contract Invoice 

Delete Contract Invoice 


See Also


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