Contract Invoices - Overview

Contract Invoices - Overview

Suggested Prior Reading

Contracts – Overview

Relationship Between Contract, Contract Change Order and Contract Invoice

Contracts List – Layout and Navigation

Search and Filter the Contracts List

View or Edit an Existing Contract


Invoices can be created for Contracts that are approved or complete. These are referred to as Accounts Receivable invoices. 

An Invoice has a Schedule of Values associated with it. The line items on the Invoice Schedule of Values are created by selecting the items to invoice from

1)  the Contract Schedule of Value Line Items AND/or

2) the Contract Change Order Schedule of Value Line Items. 

The Contract must be approved or Complete before its line items can be added to an Invoice.

A Change Order must be approved before its line items can be added to an Invoice. 

When creating the Invoice Schedule of Values, the line items can be created by

a)     Automatically populating it with all available line items

b)     Individually selecting which line items to populate on it. 

Multiple invoices can be created for a Contract. Therefore, one Invoice could be created for the Contract and all its Change Orders or an invoice could be created for a Contract and then a separate invoice for any Change Orders. Contracts or Change Orders could each have multiple invoices as well for progression or partial billing. 

The status of the Contract Invoice can be set to manage the Change Order throughout its life cycle. See Contract Invoice – Status for more information.


Invoice Lists

There are two different lists of Contract Invoices: 

·       A list of all Invoices for all Contracts – This list can be used to view all Invoices for all Contracts that exist. It can be searched and filtered and default settings applied. From the list existing Invoices can be viewed, edited or deleted (but can not be added).

 ·       A list of Invoices only for a specific contact – This list can be used to view only the Invoices for a specific Contract (and then edit or delete them). It is also where Invoices are added. 

See the next section for how to navigate each list.

As outlined in the previous section, there are different lists to view, edit or delete Contract Invoices. In addition, Invoices can also be navigated to directly from the Budget and viewed or edited. The following outlines the different ways. 

·       Via the list of all Invoices for all Contracts - This list is accessed from the Contracts List. (From the Project navigation menu, click Contracts and click Invoices in the navigation menu. See Contracts List – Layout and Navigation for more information.). From the list, individual existing Invoices can be viewed, edited or deleted (but can not be added). (See Contracts – List of all Invoices). 

·       Via the list of Invoices for a specific Contract –From there, new Invoices can be added, or existing ones can be viewed or edited. See View or Edit a Contract and then see View/Add/Edit Contract - Form Layout and Navigation) 

·       From the Budget - Clicking on a context sensitive Contract Invoice value in the Budget line item will display the View/Add/Edit Invoice form. The Invoice can be viewed, edited or deleted.) See Overview of Budget Fields and Calculations for more information.


View/Add/Edit Form for Invoices

Once an Invoice is navigated to via the different methods, the View/Add/Edit Contract Invoice form is how Invoices are added, viewed and edited.

The View/Add/Edit Contract Invoice form has two different types of information which are entered via different forms:

·       General Information – such as the Invoice Number, Due Date etc.

·       Schedule of Values – the individual line items and values that make up the Invoice

The two different forms can be toggled between by clicking the names on the form navigation text.

Once an Invoice is approved, the Schedule of Values can not be modified.



Navigate to the list of Invoices for a Specific Contract (to view, add, edit or delete). 

Navigate to the list of all Invoices for all Contracts (to search, filter, view, edit or delete). 

Add Contract Invoice

View or Edit a Contract Invoice 

Edit or set the Contract Invoice Status  

Delete a Contract Invoice


See Also 

Contract Change Orders

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