Manage the Status of a Commitment

Manage the Status of a Commitment

Suggested Prior Reading

Commitments - Overview

Navigation of the Commitments List

Modify Commitment Settings (including columns to display on the Commitment List)


The status of a Commitment can be viewed or edited from the Commitment List.

If the Commitment List has the Status set to display as a column, it can be viewed directly from the Commitment List. See Modify Commitment Settings for more information.

If its not displayed on the Commitment List or to edit the status, from the Commitment List:

1)     Hover the cursor on the Commitment

2)     Click the View Commitment button to the right of the row (blue box with right arrow).


1)     Right click on a Commitment

2)     Select View from the pop-up menu.


Double click on the Commitment anywhere on the Commitment row.

See View/Add/Edit a Subcontract or View/Add/Edit a Purchase Order for more information.

1)     Click on the Status box and a list of Statuses will be displayed.

2)     Choose the Status.

 The information will be automatically saved and depending on the status set, more menu options may appear and information may or may not be set as editable.


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