Modify Contract List Settings (including columns to display on the Contract List)

Modify Contract List Settings (including columns to display on the Contract List)

Suggested Prior Reading

General Navigation for Lists

Contracts - Overview

Contracts List – Layout and Navigation



The Contracts List is accessed by clicking Contracts from the Project navigation menu. 

Each time the Contracts List is displayed, user defined settings can be applied to show what information displays. Changing the list settings is permanent and those settings are automatically applied every time the form opens. Some of the settings can then also be changed directly on the form as well. These are temporary change only and won’t be saved for the next time the form is opened. 

The settings that can be changed are the:

·       Filter to apply – to show only Contracts with a certain Status

·       The number of rows (i.e. number of Contracts) which will display per page

·       The columns of information which will display 

The Filters to Apply and the Number of Rows is a default setting and can also be dynamically changed on the form itself to navigate the form while its opened (although those temporary changes won’t be saved). 

Columns can not be changed dynamically. They are only changed through Contracts List Settings and will apply each time the form is opened.



With the Contract List displayed:

1)     Click the Form Settings button (the black gear button on the top right of the form).

The Contract Settings form displays.

2)     To set the default filter to apply, each time the form displays:

a)     Click on the Filter drop down box

b)     Click on the Status to filter by. A check mark will appear next to the selection.

c)     Make multiple selections, click on additional Statuses to apply as required. A check mark appears next to the


d)     Click on it again to toggle it off.

e)     Click outside of the Filter box when the filters are applied to remove display of the filter list

The filter to be applied will display in the filter box.

3)     To set the Rows per Page to display:

a)     Click on the Rows Per Page drop down box

A list of common values is displayed.

b)     Click on number or “All”

4)     To select the Columns to display on the Contracts List:

In the bottom section of the form is the “Select Columns” section with the Column Name and a Show check box. Only six Columns of all the available display on the form at one time.

a)     Navigate through the available Columns by clicking on the page number in the lower right hand corner of the form

or by using the Prev and Next options to move through the list

b)     For the column to appear, click on the Show button so it is filled in.

c)     To turn off a column so that it doesn’t appear, click on the Show button again to toggle it off

d)     Repeat for the columns required.

5)     Once finished updating the settings, click Save.

To not save the changes, click Close.


Next Steps 

Search and Filter the Contracts List 

Things to do before you add a Contract 

Add a Contract 

View or Edit an existing Contract 

Manage the Status of a Contract 

Delete a Contract 

Contract Change Orders 

Contract Invoices


See Also



Direct Costs

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