Things to do before you add a Direct Costs

Things to do before you add a Direct Costs

Suggested Prior Reading

Direct Costs - Overview



When adding a Direct Cost, a vendor can optionally be entered.  If a Vendor is to be added to a Direct Cost, the vendor must be setup in the Project Contacts prior to adding the Contract.

To record separately who reported the Direct Cost, ensure the Reported by vendor/subcontractor etc. is entered in the Project Contacts.

Setup Budget line items for the Direct Costs (if they are budgeted). (Un-budgeted Direct Costs can be added to the Budget later on)

It is also a good idea to review the statuses for Direct Costs and determine how they will be used according specific to the process. For more information, see Direct Costs – Status.



Before adding a Direct Costs assigned to a Vendor, ensure the Vendor is setup in Project Contacts.

Before adding a Reported By vendor or subcontractor, ensure the Vendor/subcontractor is setup in Project Contacts.

Setup Budget Line items for the Direct Costs, see Budget.

Review the predefined system Statuses for a Direct Cost, see Direct Costs – Status.


Permissions and Configuration

The following permissions need to be set for accessing Direct Costs

View allows the user to see direct costs where they are the "Vendor".

Edit allows the user to see direct costs where they are the "Vendor", and edit them

Admin Allows the user to see all direct costs and edit them.


For Direct Costs, the default accounting method can be set as well, custom fields can be added in the General information. See Direct Costs Settings for more information.


Next Steps

Add a Direct Costs


See Also


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