Direct Costs – Layout and Navigation

Direct Costs – Layout and Navigation


Suggested Prior Reading

General Navigation for Lists

Direct Costs - Overview


Direct Costs List Layout

To access and manage information about Direct Costs; from the Project navigation menu, click Direct Costs. 

The Direct Costs list displays Direct Costs according to the list default settings applied. (Users may change the list default settings).


Standard Header

The top section of the Direct Costs Form displays the total values for all the Direct Costs by Status:

·       Draft

·       Pending

·       Approved

·       Revise


Direct Costs Layout

The row below the totals is where the list of Direct Costs can be searched or filtered on.

Direct Costs can be filtered by Status and Type.  See Search and Filter the Direct Costs List.


The Direct Costs List can have its settings modified so that when it’s displayed It will:

·       By default, show only Direct Costs with certain statuses

·       By default, show only certain Types of Direct Costs

·       By default, show a certain number of Direct Costs that display per page

·       Show different columns of information

See Modify Direct Costs List Settings.


There are buttons to Add New Direct Costs directly from the form as well as export the information to an Excel spreadsheet.


For other general navigation of the Direct Costs list, see General Navigation for Lists. 

See Search and Filter the Direct Costs List to display only certain Direct Costs. 

See Modify Direct Costs List Settings to change the defaults of what displays when list opens.


Next Steps 

Things to do before you add a Direct Cost 

Add a Direct Costs

View or Edit an existing Direct Costs 

Manage the Status of a Direct Costs 

Delete a Direct Costs


See Also


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