View/Add/Edit Direct Cost- General Information

View/Add/Edit Direct Cost- General Information

Suggested Prior Reading

Things to do before you add a Direct Cost

Add a Direct Cost

View or Edit a Direct Cost



The Direct Cost - General form contains all the general details about Direct Cost such as the Vendor, Description, Terms, and various dates. 

The Direct Cost General form is split into various sections:

·       General Information

·       Attachments 

There are a number of predefined fields in the system and by default all are set to appear on the General form. However, the System Administrator can hide fields which are not applicable to your organization. They can also set fields to be required or not (by default none are required). In addition, System Administrators can add custom fields.  As well, the Default Accounting Method for the Schedule of Values can be set. See Settings - Direct Costs for more information.


General Information

The following are the data fields which are standard with the system in the General section. Note * not all of these may appear depending on the settings as explained above. Any item marked with an asterick is a required item. Custom fields will appear at the bottom of the General Information section. 





This is the vendor for the Direct Cost.


To add a vendor or change the existing one:

1)     Click on the Pencil button.

The list of Project Contacts is displayed. All Project Contacts setup for the project are displayed and can be selected. See Select Project Contact for more information on the navigating the form.

2)     Click in the box to the left-hand side of the Vendor to select it. The box will fill in to indicate its selected.

3)     Click Save.


Only one Vendor can be selected.

Reported By


Select who reported this Direct Cost from the drop-down list. Note, only those contacts added to the Project Contacts will display.

4)     Click on the Pencil button.

The list of Project Contacts is displayed. All Project Contacts setup for the project are displayed and can be selected. See Select Project Contact for more information on the navigating the form.

5)     Click in the box to the left-hand side of the Vendorto select it. The box will fill in to indicate its selected.

6)     Click Save.


Only one Reported By can be selected.


Select Expense, Invoice, or Payroll from the drop-down list. These are types of categorizations for Direct Costs.

Applied On

Choose the date that the Direct Cost should be applied to. This date is used to auto-fill receivable invoice values. For example, if you are creating a receivable invoice which has a line item that matches a Direct cost line item on cost code and cost type, AND the direct cost's applied on date is in the invoice's billing period, the Auto-fill amounts feature will pull that direct cost into the invoice and auto-fill that amount to be invoiced.  The invoice amount is ultimately determined by the person filling it out, but the auto-fill allows for filling in an invoice if you are just billing what you have already been billed for.

Received On

The date, the Direct Cost was received on. This can be reported on and used for tracking purposes.

To enter or change a date:

Type in the date


Click in the Date field to bring up a calendar.

See Entering Dates for more information.

Paid On

The date the Direct Cost was Paid on. This can be reported on and used for tracking purposes.

To enter or change a date:

Type in the date


Click in the Date field to bring up a calendar.

See Entering Dates for more information.


The terms for this vendor. Type in the information as required.


A description of the Direct Cost. Type in the information as required.



 In this section, at the bottom of the standard fields, any custom fields created for the Direct Cost are displayed and can be entered or maintained.


Attachments To add attachments, such as the actual invoice, or a scanned copy of the bill or receipt,

Drag and drop files to the box.


Click on the box to select a file and upload it.


Enter the Schedule of Values

Click on Schedule of Values text at top of form to enter, view or maintain those. See Schedule of Values.


Next Steps

Click the Save button to save the information. The General form closes and the item list form displays.

Click on Save & Email to save the information and send a notification and link to the item.

Click Close to close the form without saving any changes. If changes were made, a prompt appears to:

Cancel – Cancel the close and return to the form.

Save – Save any changes. Close the General form and display the list of the items.

Don’t Save - Don’t’ save any changes. Close the General form and display the list of the items.


Sync to ERP

If it is an approved Direct Cost and if the option to sync to the ERP is enabled, there will be a button to sync to the ERP system. Click Sync to ERP button on the bottom right of the form to sync the Contract with the ERP system. See Sync to ERP.


Delete Direct Cost

Click the Delete button to remove the Direct Cost. See Delete a Direct Cost.

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