Edit/View Project Contact - Guest User Types - User Details

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Edit/View Project Contact - Guest User Types

User Details

Contacts (that are Guest User Types) can be sent links to access the system and then if they do so, there are options to unlink Username or send password reset email requests.

This is on the edit form for editing a Guest User Type. See above.

The bottom part of the form contains User Details:

If the User has not signed up:

The User Details section contains a button to send a link to the user to sign them up to access the system.

  1. Ensure the Contact Email is correct
  2. Click the Send Sign-Up Link button

They will be sent an email with a link to sign-up to the system.

If the User has signed up:

If the user has signed up to the system, there will be

  • An option to unlink the Username
  • The user name (this is not editable on this form)
  • Send Password Reset option (this only appears if the user is active)
  1. To unlink the User name, which is basically to remove this contact from being a user in the system, click the Unlink Username button. Their login information will be deleted and they can no longer login.
  2. If the User is Active to send an email to the user to enable them to reset their password, click the Send Password Reset button.

Next Steps

See Edit/View Project Contact - Guest User Types.

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