Contract Invoice - Status

Contract Invoice - Status

There are various pre-set system statuses that can be set for an Invoice. These statuses can be used to manage the life cycle of the Invoice. They can also be used to filter and report on Invoices. In addition, some functionality such as the ability to edit the Invoice Schedule of Values can only be performed for Approved Invoices.






The Invoice is still in a draft status and is not ready to be included in calculations.

The General information can be edited. The Schedule of Values can be edited, added to and deleted.

Under Review

The Invoice is being reviewed internally.

The General information can be edited. The Schedule of Values can be edited, added to and deleted.


The invoice needs to be revised before it can be approved.

The General information can be edited. The Schedule of Values can be edited, added to and deleted.


The Invoice is Approved.

The General information can be edited except for the Billing Period, Due Date, Period Start and Period End. Those can not be edited.

The Schedule of Values can not be edited.


The Invoice is Complete.

The General information can be edited except for the Billing Period, Due Date, Period Start and Period End. Those can not be edited.

The Schedule of Values can not be edited.

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