Change or set the Purchase Order Status

Change or set the Purchase Order Status

Suggested Prior Reading

Purchase Order – Status

Commitment List

Add a Commitment (Purchase Order)

View or Edit a Commitment (Purchase Order)

View/Add/Edit Subcontract - Form Layout and Navigation



The Status is used to manage the Purchase Order.

See Purchase Order – Status for a description of all the Statuses and the impact of changing those.

The Purchase Order Status is set or changed from the View/Add/Edit Purchase Order form. 

The Purchase Order Status can be updated from any of the Purchase Order forms as the Form header and Status and Form Navigation Menu stay the same on all the forms. See View/Add/Edit Purchase Order – Form Layout and Navigation for more information.



See the Suggested Prior Reading above to determine how to access the View/Add/Edit Purchase Order form. 

1)     Click in the Status box. The list of Statuses appears.

2)     Select the Status to apply.

The information will be automatically saved and the form may update to reflect the functionality associated with the current status.


Next Steps

View/Add/Edit Purchase Order - General Information 

View/Add/Edit Purchase Order - Schedule of Values 

View/Add/Edit Invoices for the Purchase Order 

Delete the Purchase Order

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