Edit/View Project Contact - Company User Types - Delete

Suggested Prior Reading

Edit Project Contact - Company User Types

Delete (remove User from being a Project Contact)

Users can be removed from being a Project Contact. See the above.

This is the edit form for editing a Company User Type.

There is a Delete button at the bottom right of the form. This button is used to remove this User from the Project Contact list (the User is not deleted from the system, just from the Project Contact List). Contacts can also be removed directly from the Project Contacts (Other) List, see Project Contacts (Other) - Remove.

  1. Click the Delete button
  2. A confirmation prompt appears confirming the User should be removed from being a Project Contact.
  3. Click Remove

The Project Contacts (Other) List displays and the user will no longer be listed.

Next Steps

Project Contacts (Other) List - Overview

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