Project - Non-Disclosure Agreement

On the Project Details - Add/Edit/View Form, Non-Disclosure Agreements can be setup and maintained.

How this works depends on whether or not Project NDA Templates have been setup. The Administrator can setup Project NDA Templates that can be selected and applied to the project (and changed if required) or if no templates have been setup an individual NDA can be entered for each project.

Note* If a Project NDA Template has been created, a Template will be automatically used. If a default template has been set, that default Template will be used. However, the Terms Box can be over-ridden on each project. Anyone that can edit the project details, can turn on/off the option to override any terms entered and change the terms (if the override option is on).

NDA Setting on the Project Details - Add/Edit/View Form

The Administrator can also set whether an NDA (by default) is always required for a Project. This will impact how the Project Details - Add/Edit/View Form displays when opened.

NDA not required by Default

If the Administrator, has NOT set the NDA as being required, there will just be an empty check box next to the NDA Required option at top of Project Details form.

NDA Required by Default

If the Administrator, HAS set the NDA as being required by default, the check box for the NDA Required is automatically turned on (filled in with blue) and there is a button to Update Agreement.

Regardless of the default setting for the NDA Required or not, the user can still change it, by clicking on the check box (see the next steps below).

Turn on the NDA Required and enter the NDA Agreement

If the NDA Required is not turned on, click on the NDA Required option. The Update Non-Disclosure Agreement form displays.

Add, Edit or View the NDA Agreement (when NDA Required is set to on)

If the NDA Required is set to On, to add, view or edit the NDA agreement, click the Update Agreement button. The Update Non-Disclosure Agreement form displays.

Next Steps

Update Non-Disclosure Agreement (when NDA Templates have been setup)

Update Non-Disclosure Agreement (individually for each project)

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