View/Add/Edit Contacts - Contacts (List)

Suggested Prior Reading

Navigating JobPlanner

Contacts - Overview

Contacts – Accessing the list of Contacts

Add a Contact

View or Edit an Existing Contact

View/Add/Edit Contact - Form Layout

View/Add/Edit Contacts - Company Details

Contacts (List)

A Company must always have at least one contact (and the type of contact and the email for that Contact).

The Contacts (list) is where Contacts for the company are listed (but will be an empty row on the initial add).

It is also where additional Contacts for the Company can be added via the Add Contact button.

Adding a Company/Contact initially

During the initial add of the company/contact, this contact list will have a single row and be highlighted blue. The Contact Name and Email etc. will be blank. This list is not used until after the first contact is entered and saved (so during the initial add, skip this section) and go to the Contacts Details section below the list to add the contact).

Editing or Viewing an Existing Contact

Once a Contact has been entered and the information saved, then the Contact(s) will appear in this list.

The Contact List can be used to

  • Set a Contact as the Primary Contact (if there is more than one Contact)
  • Copy the Contact information to a new Contact (this can also be done in the Contact Details section as well)
  • Select a Contact to edit or view their information.
  • Set the Permissions for this contact (this can also be done in the Contact Details section as well)
  • Delete the Contact

Note* If there is only one Contact entered for the Company, they are automatically set as the Primary Contact.

Next Steps

View/Add/Edit Contact - Contacts Details

View/Add/Edit Contact - User Details

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