View/Add/Edit Contacts - User Details


Suggested Prior Reading

Navigating JobPlanner

Contacts - Overview

Contacts – Accessing the list of Contacts

Add a Contact

View or Edit an Existing Contact

View/Add/Edit Contact - Form Layout

View/Add/Edit Contacts - Company Details

View/Add/Edit Contacts - Contacts (List)

View/Add/Edit Contacts - Contact Details

User Details

If this Contact will be an actual user in the system (i.e. login to the system and make updates or receive emails etc.) then this section is used to:

  • Send Sign-Up Link (so the contact can create their own user name and password etc. to sign into the system).

Once a Contact is setup as a User in the system, then this section can be used to

  • Send a request for the user to reset their password
  • Unlink the Username from this Contact. (Question - what does this actually do? If you unlink the email, does it automatically delete that user as well?)
  1. Click on the Sign-Up Link button
  1. The Contact will be sent an email. See Sign-Up as a User.

Note* Once the Contact/Company form is refreshed (open and closed), the Sign-Up Link will appear again and the sign up email can be sent again if required.

QUESTION - When I click on the link and sign up - I get the free trial or pay screen. Is this what's supposed to happen? Or how does it know to set this person up as a User in the system? If I log back in, this contact has a Username but they aren't appearing in the User List or anything. I assume the Contact being a User is all managed directly from this form and not in the Users list.

Send Request for User to Reset password

Click on the Send Password Reset button

Click the Unlink User name button. The Send Sign-up Link button will be visible again.

Save the Company/Contact Details

The Save and Cancel buttons are located at the bottom of the form. This does not impact any of the User Details functions. Links or requests will be sent as soon as the option as chosen and are not impacted by the Save or Cancel function. This just saves the information entered elsewhere on the form.

Click on the Save button to save the information this includes updates to Company and Contacts.


Click on the Cancel button to cancel the add or edit of the Company and Contact details.

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