View/Add/Edit Contacts - Contact Details


Overall question 1- If I have multiple contacts for a Company - And I edit the Company, it is showing the two contacts with the Primary one selected but if I click on the EDIT button for the other contact - nothing happens. Are you only suppose to edit the one Contact on this form and you have to close the form and select a different Contact from the Contact List to edit a different one OR are you supposed to be able to click the EDIT button on the other contact on this form to switch to editing that Contact? If the latter the EDIT button doesn't work. If not the latter, why is there an EDIT button?

Bug - If I edit a contact, but click on the Copy Contact on the row of a different Contact on the Contact List - a blank contact record is created and the information isn't actually copied.

Bug - I click on the Copy Contact button on the Contact Details section - the name and email are blank and a row is created in the Contact List. Don't enter a name or email. Click Save. The name and email get set to red to say they have an incorrect value. Click Cancel. It says there are unsaved changes. Click Don't Save. The contact record is still saved but with blank contact name and email.

Suggested Prior Reading

Navigating JobPlanner

Contacts - Overview

Contacts – Accessing the list of Contacts

Add a Contact

View or Edit an Existing Contact

View/Add/Edit Contact - Form Layout

View/Add/Edit Contacts - Company Details

View/Add/Edit Contacts - Contacts (List)

Contact Details

If this is a new Company/Contact being added, this section will be blank and is where you enter the new Contact information.

If there is/are already Contact(s) saved for the Company, this section contains the details about the Contact currently selected in the Contact List (i.e. the Contact with the highlighted blue row).

By default, the Primary Contact is always the one selected (indicated by the blue highlighting and the crown in the first column next to the contact).

To quickly add a Contact, ensure at least the Contact Name and Email is entered.

Contacts can be set as Active or non Active.If it is set to non active, it will appear in Contacts Lists with a strike thru font. This is just a visual indicator to indicate the company has been set to non active. It can still be selected.

Standard Fields




A contact can be active or not active. If it is set to non active, it will appear in Contacts Lists with a strike thru font. This is just a visual indicator to indicate the company has been set to non active. It can still be selected.



When Contacts are added, they are given a default set of permissions based on the Type assigned to the User.

Administrators manage the Types of Contacts and the permissions associated with each Type of Contact.

These default Permissions can be overridden however. Click on the Permissions button to do that.

QUESTION - Can anyone adding Contacts set the permissions or does it have to be a user with special permissions?

Set as Primary


This button only appears if the currently selected Contact - the one displayed in this form - is not the Primary Contact already.

Click on the Set as Primary button to change the primary contact for the Company to this Contact.

Copy Contact


The information for the Contact displayed in this section can be copied to a new contact. Not all the information is copied, only the following fields are copied:

Address 1 Address 2

City State Postal Code County

Phone Cell Fax

All the other fields are not copied as they would be specific to an individual (only the common information between individuals is copied)

If this is the initial add, and no Contacts have been entered and this button is clicked, a blank contact is copied and the required fields will be highlighted red to indicate they have to be entered.

Contact Name

The name of the Contact. This is a required field. This is for both the first and last name of the Contact and should be entered First Name first, then last name.


Click in the drop down to select the Type of Contact.

Administrators manage the Types of Contacts and the permissions associated with each Type of Contact.


Enter the title for the Contact. This is optional.

Address 1

Enter the address for the Contact. This is optional. If this Contact is copied to a new one using the Copy Contact function, this field will be copied.

Address 2

Enter a second address for the Contact if required. This is optional. If this Contact is copied to a new one using the Copy Contact function, this field will be copied.


Enter the City for the Contact. This is optional. If this Contact is copied to a new one using the Copy Contact function, this field will be copied.


Enter the State or Province for the Contact. This is optional. If this Contact is copied to a new one using the Copy Contact function, this field will be copied.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code for the Contact. This is optional. If this Contact is copied to a new one using the Copy Contact function, this field will be copied.


Enter the Country for the Contact. This is optional. If this Contact is copied to a new one using the Copy Contact function, this field will be copied.


Enter the land line phone number for the Contact or the company main phone number. This is optional. If this Contact is copied to a new one using the Copy Contact function, this field will be copied.


Enter the extension for the Contact. This is optional.


Enter the cell for the Contact. This is optional. If this Contact is copied to a new one using the Copy Contact function, this field will be copied.


Enter the fax for the Contact. This is optional. If this Contact is copied to a new one using the Copy Contact function, this field will be copied.


The email for the Contact. This is a required field.

Selection Status

In various functions in the system to do with Contacts, there are options to select all Contacts (such as on the Contacts List when doing functions like sending a request for all contacts to update their contact information). This option is used to turn on or off, whether the Contact is included in the select all option.

If its ON, then the contact will be automatically selected in a select all contacts function (but the contact can still be individually deselected).

If its OFF, then the contact will not be included in the select all contacts function (but the contact can still be individually selected).


Notes that can be entered for the Contact.


Next Steps 

See View/Add/Edit Contact - User Details

Save the Company/Contact Details

The Save and Cancel buttons are located at the bottom of the form.

Click on the Save button to save the information this includes updates to Company and Contacts.


Click on the Cancel button to cancel the add or edit of the Company and Contact details.

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