View/Add/Edit Contacts (and Companies) - Form Layout

Suggested Prior Reading

Navigating JobPlanner

Contacts - Overview

Contacts - Accessing the list of Contacts

Add a Contact

View or Edit an Existing Contact


The Contacts form contains all the information about a Contact and where Contact information can be viewed, added or edited.

The form has a number of different sections:

Any field marked with an asterick is a required field.

Company and Contact(s)

When Global contacts are entered, the company to which they belong is also required to be setup. This form is used to add or edit both the Company and the Contacts at the same time.

When adding a company/contact, this form has been designed to easily add a Company and then the Primary Contact for the Company, save that information and exit the form. However, additional contacts for the company can be added at the same time, with a few extra steps (or they can be added later on as well).

If there are multiple contacts entered one can be set as the primary contact (and will appear as the primary contact on company lists).

Next Steps

Add New Company/Contact - Navigation

Add additional Contact to an existing Company - Navigation

Add multiple Contacts to an existing Company - Navigation

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