Groups/Trades - Overview

Groups are a way of organizing Contacts for easy viewing, selecting etc. Groups are often used to organize contacts into Trades (and that is the terminology that is displayed on many of the forms - the terms Groups and Trades are used interchangeably).

For example, if there is a requirement to send bid requests to all Plumbing Contractors in a certain area, a group can be created to put all those contacts in and then automatically select them.

A contact can belong to more than one Group/Trade.

Groups/Trades are assigned to individual contacts within a company, and each contact can be assigned to different groups/trades.

Group Levels

When setting up Groups, they can be just a single, simple list or they can be multi-tiered i.e. they can have up to three levels. For example,

There could be one Group Level (for example, just a list of trades)

  • Plumbers
  • Electricians

There could be two Group Levels (trades and then by area)

  • Plumbers
    • New York State
    • Kentucky
  • Electricians
    • New York State
    • Idaho
    There could be three levels of groups (trades, by area, then by size of company)
  • Plumbers
    • New York State
      • Individual Contractors
      • Mid Size Construction Companies
      • Large Size Construction Companies

OR (trades, by area, then by sub-area)

  • Plumbers
    • New York State
      • Central New York
      • North Country
      • Southern Tier

These are examples only and the Groups can be setup as required.

The Group Levels can be changed (say from 3 to 2) but if this is done, any parent groups are deleted. Therefore, parent and sub-parent levels if needed would all have to re-entered. The Child Group remains and any Contacts would still be assigned to that Child Group.

Groups/Trades (List)- Accessing

To view a list of all the Groups/Trades,

  1. From the Global Menu options, click Settings
  2. From the Settings Menu options, click Groups.

The Groups/Trades List displays.

Next Steps

Trades - Add a Trade or a Group

Groups/Trades - Add Multiple Levels

Contacts - Overview

Add a Contact

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