Project Contacts (Other) List - Search and Filter

Suggested Prior Reading

Project Contacts (Other) List - Accessing

Project Contacts (Other) List - Overview

Project Contacts (Other) List - Layout and Navigation

Search and Filter Options

Project Contacts (Other) can be searched for and/or filtered to narrow the list. The filter is by the Type of user.

If Search Text and/or Filter Options are entered and more than one is entered, it is treated as AND logic.

To Search for a Project Contact

All the columns except for the Type column can be searched.

  1. In the Search bar at the top of the form, type the text to search for.

As letters, numbers or characters are typed the Project Contacts (Other) List automatically updates to display only those Project Contacts that match what is typed.

  1. To erase search text and remove the search criteria, highlight the search text and hit delete or click in the search bar and hit backspace to remove letters
To Filter by Types of Users

To filter by types of users; either users within the company such as Project Manager, Superintendent or Estimator and/or external users such as Vendors, Subcontractors, Architects or Owner (Note* Types of users are setup by System Administrators so this list and the screen prints may vary for each Organization).

  1. Click in the drop down. Note* this will say No Filters in light grey text if not filters are applied. The filter options appear.
  2. Click on the filter option to apply. A checkmark appears next to the selection. The drop down list remains displayed. The Project Contacts (Other) list is automatically updated to reflect the selection.
  3. To add more than one filter option, click on additional filter options. Each will have a check mark appear next to it.
  4. Click on a Filter Option again to remove the check mark (if required) or to reset the filter back to none, ensure all check marks are removed.
  5. When the selections are complete, click anywhere outside of the drop down to exit the drop down list.

The selected items will display in the drop down field in black writing.

More Information

To see all the options available, see Project Contacts (Other) List - Layout and Navigation.

Next Steps

To add a project contact, see Project Contacts (Other) - Add Contacts

To view or edit an existing Project Contact (Other), see Project Contacts (Other) - Edit

To manage Trades of a Project Contact, see Project Contacts (Other) - Manage Trades

To set permissions for a Project Contact specific to that Project, see Project Contacts (Other) - Permissions

To set notifications for a Project Contact specific to that Project, see Project Contacts (Other) - Notifications

To remove a Contact from being a Project Contact, see Project Contacts (Other) - Remove

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