Bidding Messaging List - Search and Filter

Suggested Prior Reading

Bidding - Overview

Bidding Participant Contacts - Overview

Bidding Messaging List - Accessing

Bidding Messaging List - Layout

Bidding Messaging List - Search and Filter

The Bidding Messaging List displays contacts that have been added as Bidding Participants. This list can be searched or filtered to narrow the list of Contacts displayed.

Search the List of Messages

The Search bar is used to enter the criteria to search for. Once that is entered, the Search button is clicked to see only those Contacts in the Bidding Messaging list that match the Search criteria. See Bidding Messaging List - Search.

Filter the list of Messages

Filters can be applied to see only Contacts that meet certain criteria such as just those Bidding Participants with a certain response status or message status, those that ordered or downloaded prints, private or public contacts, private or public sector status, labor status, those with certain certifications or a certain trades. See Bidding Messaging List - Filter.

Entering multiple Criteria

When viewing the list of Bidding Participants contacts, if search criteria and/or Filters are set, they are combined with AND criteria i.e. the contact must match the search criteria entered AND any and all filters set.

Clear the Search Entry and Turn off Favorites

To remove any Search criteria entered and/or Filters set, click the Clear button.

More Information

For more information on the Bidding Messages List, see:

Bidding Messaging List - View Options

Bidding Messaging List - Search

Next Steps

Bidding - Add Participant

Bidding - Select Participants

Bidding - Send Project Message (including invitation to bids)

Bidding - Managing

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