Bidding Messaging List – View
Suggested Prior Reading
Bidding Participant Contacts - Overview
Bidding Messaging List - Accessing
Bidding Messaging List - Overview
Bidding Messaging List - Layout
Bidding Messaging List – Navigation
Bidding Messaging List - Search and Filter
Bidding Messaging List- View Options
The list of Bidding Participants can have different views applied to change the way the information is grouped and displayed. The views can be set according to how companies manage their bidding process and where they are in the bidding process.
The View option applies to the list which can be the full list of all contacts added as bidding participants or it can a subset of contacts because search criteria was entered or filters were applied.
In the example above, the view setting is "Trades by Company". This view lists all the trade groups (in a collapsed view).
There are a number of different view settings:
Trades by Company | This groups the bid participants, first by Trade, then by Company, then each individual in the Company. Then those individual contacts can be expanded out to view all the Trades that they belong to (if they belong to more than one). In this view, there are four different levels: Trades -> Company -> Individual Contacts -> List of Trades individual contacts belong to In some cases, individuals may not be assigned to a trade. For example, if they were Quick Added with just the email entered. In those cases, there will be a NO GROUP section and those with no Trade set will display in this section. |
Trades by Contact | This groups the bid participants by Trades, then lists the individual contacts with that Trade. Then those individual contacts can be expanded out to view all the Trades that they belong to (if they belong to more than one). In this view, there are three different levels: Trades -> Individual Contacts -> List of Trades individual contacts belong to If a Contact is assigned to a Company, the Company name is displayed for that Contact (and that column can be sorted on, searched etc.) There may also be a NO GROUP section here if individual contacts weren't assigned to a Trade. |
Companies | This groups the bid participants by Company, then lists the individual contacts within the Company. In this view, there are three different levels: Company -> Individual Contacts -> List of Trades individual contacts belong to If a Contact is assigned to a Trade, the Trade is displayed for that Contact (and that column can be sorted on, searched etc.) The Company may be blank if an individual contact(s) have not been assigned to Companies. |
Contacts | This lists the individual contacts then lists the Trades that Contact is assigned to. Then those individual contacts can be expanded out to view all the Trades that they belong to (if they belong to more than one). In this view, there are two different levels: Individual Contacts -> List of Trades It is possible the Contact name is blank and only an email is entered. |
Messages | This lists the information by Messages. Messages -> Individual Contacts -> List of Trades |
Responses | This lists the information by Responses. Responses -> Individual Contacts -> List of Trades |