Project Contacts (Other) - Export

Suggested Prior Reading

Project Contacts (Other) List - Accessing

Project Contacts (Other) List - Overview

Project Contacts (Other) List - Layout and Navigation

Export the Project Contacts

The list of Project Contacts can be exported to:

  • Excel
  • PDF

The export will include the report name and headers.

The export exports the list with any filters applied. Note* The export does not consider any search information entered, just the filters.

To Export the Project Contacts:
  1. Go to the Project Contacts (Other) List, see Project Contacts (Other) List - Accessing
  2. See a Filter if required to narrow the list. See Project Contacts (Other) List - Search and Filter.
  3. Click on Export button
  4. Select the type of file to create

The information will be exported to a file in the download folder, called: projectContactss_report (with the appropriate extension).

Excel Spreadsheet Export Example
PDF Export Example

Next Steps

To add a project contact, see Project Contacts (Other) - Add Contacts

To manage Trades of a Project Contact, see Project Contacts (Other) - Manage Trades

To set permissions for a Project Contact specific to that Project, see Project Contacts (Other) - Permissions

To set notifications for a Project Contact specific to that Project, see Project Contacts (Other) - Notifications

To remove a Contact from being a Project Contact, see Project Contacts (Other) - Remove

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