Project Contacts (Other) List - Sort Columns

Suggested Prior Reading

Project Contacts (Other) List - Accessing

Project Contacts (Other) List - Overview

Project Contacts (Other) List - Layout and Navigation

Sorting Columns Overview

The information in columns can be sorted in descending order or ascending order (if in descending order, numbers are listed first, then characters A to Z)

If a column can be sorted it will contain dark grey or light grey up and down arrows. A dark arrow indicates that column is the currently active sorted column and the way it is pointing indicates the sort order

  • Dark Arrow Up: Ascending order
  • Dark Arrow Down: Descending order

For example, in the screen below:

  • The column currently selected to sort is the Company column and in ascending order
  • The following columns are also sortable: Type, Contact Name, Email, Phone, Cell, Group (Trades), Primary Phone, Primary State, Trades, Contacts (number of)
  • The following columns are not sortable: the most right hand column that has no label as it contains function buttons.

The default sort on this form is always the Type column. Any other columns set to sort are applicable for this session only. Once the form is closed and re-opened the sort will revert to the Type column.

To change the column being sorted on
  1. Click on the column header to set the sort on that column
  2. To change the way a column sorts, click on the Column Header again to change the sort direction.

More Information

To see all the options available, see Project Contacts (Other) List - Layout and Navigation.

Next Steps

To add a project contact, see Project Contacts (Other) - Add Contacts

To view or edit an existing Project Contact (Other), see Project Contacts (Other) - Edit

To manage Trades of a Project Contact, see Project Contacts (Other) - Manage Trades

To set permissions for a Project Contact specific to that Project, see Project Contacts (Other) - Permissions

To set notifications for a Project Contact specific to that Project, see Project Contacts (Other) - Notifications

To remove a Contact from being a Project Contact, see Project Contacts (Other) - Remove

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