Bidding Messaging List – Navigation - Sort Columns


Suggested Prior Reading

Bidding - Overview

Bidding Participant Contacts - Overview

Bidding Messaging List - Accessing

Bidding Messaging List - Overview

Bidding Messaging List - Layout

Sorting Columns Overview

The information in columns can be sorted:

  • In descending order or ascending order (if in descending order, numbers are listed first, then characters)
  • Multiple columns can be sorted (from one up to as many sortable columns that are displayed can be selected for sorting) QUESTION - IS THIS TRUE

If a column can be sorted it will contain dark grey or light grey up and down arrows. A dark arrow indicates that column is the currently active sorted column and the way it is pointing indicates the sort order

  • Dark Arrow Up: Ascending order
  • Dark Arrow Down: Descending order

For example, in the screen below:

The following columns are sortable: Company, Contact, Phone, Email, Trades, Status, Bid Amount, Distance, Grade

The following columns are not sortable: Info

Only one column is currently selected to sort: the Company column and in ascending order

QUESTION - Does each view option have default columns that it sorts on? For example if Contacts is set as the View, the Company and Contact column always seen to have a sort on.

QUESTION - To remove a sort on a column - do you Shift click on it? Not sure if this is how its supposed to work but shift and clicking multiple times eventually removes the sort. If this is not how its supposed to work, how do you remove the sort on a column?

QUESTION - Is the order of the sort determined by the order of the columns clicked?

Select Multiple Columns to Sort

To select multiple columns to sort, click on the columns in the order they are to be sorted:

QUESTION - Can you let me know how this is done

To remove a sort on a column or set a new sort order

To remove a sort order on a column:

QUESTION - Can you let me know how this is done

To set a new sort order

To set a new sort lick on the columns in the order they are to be sorted:

QUESTION - Can you let me know how this is done

Change from Ascending to Descending Order

To change the way a column sorts, click on the Column Header:

TBC - Once above is determined.

More Information

For more information on the Bidding Messages List, see:

Bidding Messaging List - View Options

Bidding Messaging List – Groups

Bidding Messaging List – Groups - Expanding and Collapsing

Bidding Messaging List - Search

Next Steps

Bidding - Add Participant

Bidding - Select Participants

Bidding - Send Project Message (including invitation to bids)

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