Modify Project Message - Message Details


Suggested Prior Reading

Bids - Overview and Accessing

Bid Messaging List - Layout

Bid Messages List – View Options

Bid Messages List – Navigation

Add Bid Participant

Bids - Select Participants

Send Project Message

Project Message Form - Layout

Modify the information on the Project Message Form

The following is a description of the all the information that can be set for the project messages. Update the information as appropriate to modify the project message.

Quick Add (optional)

This is where the email of a Contact to send the message to can quickly be entered. Use this to add a Contact not already selected on the Bid Participant List.

Use of this field is also a quick way to send a message (without having to maintain Bid Participants)

Note* This contact will be automatically added to the Bid Participant List as a Contact with an email only (with no name or Company or any other information but that can be added later on).

See Quick Add a Contact Email to send the message to

Reply To

This is the contact the replay will be sent to. This is a drop down list.

Default - is the main contact entered in the Company Information.

QUESTION - Where do the other users in the list come from? How is this list populated from what data?

It pulls it from the company user list


This is where the Subject line of the email is set. This is automatically populated according to what the Message Type is set to. For example, if the Message Type is changed the Subject Line will change to reflect that. However, the Subject Line can be edited as required. (Set the message type first, then change the subject line, as changing the Message Types overwrites whatever is entered in the Subject line).

The Subject has a variable element [Sender.Company]. This is automatically populated from the Company Information dynamically when the email is sent.

This Subject line is automatically displayed in the Preview Message section in the grey bar at the top of the preview box.

Message Type

There are four different Message types:

  • Invitation to Bid - An invitation to contacts to bid on project work.
  • Addendum Notification - Notification of an addendum to work
  • Bid Reminder - Bid Reminder Notification
  • Project Message - A general message about the project

Each type of message has a default format, subject line and response type and message. Click in the drop down to change the Message Type. The Preview Message will be updated to show the type of message selected.

Response Type

QUESTION - Can you explain how this is used? If I have an Invtiation to bid message type, and change response type to Yes/No, nothing seems to change.

The email template needs to be setup for a Yes/No. The user needs to pick the appropriate email template. A Yes/No type is a message response where a Accpet/Decline is a project response. You Accept the project and that doesn't change if you're sent another email. A yes/no response is for a particular email. For instance you could be sent a yes/no email to ask a question like "Did you bid these drawings from the addendum drawings?"

Response Due/ITB Response Due Label



This defaults to the date set on the Project Details form but can be changed if required.

  • Click in the field to manually type in the date


  • Click on the Calendar button and select a date from the Calendar (or click the Today option at the bottom to set it automatically to today's date


  • Click ASAP to set the bid response to as soon as possible. The date will be greyed out. Click on the ASAP option again to remove this setting (and enter a date instead)

The time to respond to the bid default to the Settings, Projects - Default Bid Due time.

Note, changing the date or the ASAP option, does not automatically update the preview. It will however be updated in the actual email that is sent.


This is where the message in the email can be entered or updated.

Note* The Token option on the Message menu option can be used to insert variables that will be automatically updated with the project or bid participant information.

Next Steps

Preview the Message

Include File Attachments

Send Message to Selected Participants

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