Contacts List – Navigation - Sort Columns

QUESTION - Is there functionality to sort on multiple columns? If you click on one column and then hold down the shift key and click on a different column, it looks like two columns are being sorted because the arrows on both are dark grey, but the second sort doesn't seem to work

Suggested Prior Reading

Contacts List - Navigation

Sorting Columns Overview

The information in columns can be sorted in descending order or ascending order (if in descending order, numbers are listed first, then characters A to Z)

If a column can be sorted it will contain dark grey or light grey up and down arrows. A dark arrow indicates that column is the currently active sorted column and the way it is pointing indicates the sort order

  • Dark Arrow Up: Ascending order
  • Dark Arrow Down: Descending order

For example, in the screen below:

  • The view is set to Companies
  • The column currently selected to sort is the Company column and in ascending order
  • The following columns are also sortable: Primary Contact, Primary Phone, Primary State, Trades, Contacts (number of)
  • The following columns are not sortable: Info

The Sort that is currently set will be saved and the next time this form is displayed it will use that saved sort, regardless of where it is invoked from (i.e. the Contacts list or the detailed search on the Bidding Participant - Add From Address Book - via Detailed Search. If its changed in one place it applies to the display where ever it is invoked from.

To change the column being sorted on
  1. Click on the column header to set the sort on that column
  2. To change the way a column sorts, click on the Column Header again to change the sort direction.

Multiple Groups and Hierarchy

If multiple levels of groups are in the hierarchy, the column headers for additional levels can also be sorted.

  1. Expand out the Groups as required (click on the + on the row to expand)
  2. Click on the column header in the sub-group to sort on that column. Click on it again to reverse the sort.

More Information

For more information on Searching or Filtering the list to determine what Contacts should display or to set how the list should display, see:

Contacts List - Search and Filter

Contacts List - View

Contacts List - Navigation - Sort Columns

For more information on the Contacts List and how the information is displayed, see:

Contacts List – Groups

Next Steps

Add a Contact

View or Edit an Existing Contact

Set a Company to inactive (but retain in the system for historical purposes)

Set a Contact to inactive (but retain in the system for historical purposes)

Delete a Company and all its Contacts

Delete individual Contacts

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