Trades Filter

Suggested Prior Reading

Bidding Messaging List - Filter - Trades


Add Participants from Address Book - Trades


Project Contacts - Filter - Trades

Trades Filter

The Trades Filter form enables searching and filtering of Trades, and then selecting Trade(s) and applying that Trades filter to the list of Contacts so that only Contacts with those Trades are displayed.

The Trades Filter can be invoked from different places but has the same functionality. The Trades Filter can be a form by itself or part of a bigger filtering form.

It can be invoked from:

There are three basic steps to the Trades Filter:

  1. Narrow the list of Trades displayed (if necessary) by searching for a trade or selecting a filter.
  2. Expand or collapse Top Level Trade Groups (if necessary).
  3. Select Trade(s).
  4. Apply the Trade Filter so that the list of Contacts displays only those selected Trades.
Narrow the list of Trades displayed for easier selection:

The list of Trades can be narrowed to help with easier selection:

Expand or Collapse Trade Groups

To view Sub-Level Trade Groups, see Expand/Collapse Trade Groups.

Select Trades

Next Steps

See Add Participants from Address Book to apply additional search criteria or filters to the list of Contacts, if adding Bidding Participants or if adding Project Contacts.


See Bidding Messaging List - Filter to apply additional search criteria or filters to the list of Contacts, if viewing, selecting or maintaining Bidding Participants.


See Project Contacts - Filter to apply additional search criteria or filters to the list of Contacts, if viewing or maintaining Project Contacts.

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