Bid Participants/Contacts List - Search and Filter - Search Text

Suggested Prior Reading

Add Participants from Address Book - Search and Filter


Contacts List - Search and Filter

Enter Text to Search For

This feature can be invoked from the Add Participants from Address Book form or the Contacts List. The examples below show the Add Participants from Address Book form but the search and filter section is the same for the Contacts List.

  1. Click in the Search box and type in the text to search for. Any of the columns that are text based are searched (even if the columns don't display). Columns that are calculated or generated won't be searched.
  2. Click the Search button to invoke the Search. The Contacts that match the search criteria are displayed. In this case the search criteria was found in the company name and contact names.
  1. Click the Clear button to clear any search or filters applied.
More Information

To apply more criteria to narrow the list:

Next Steps

If adding Bidding Participants, click on a Contact to select it. See Select Contacts.


If managing Contacts, see Contacts List - Overview.

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