Bidding Participant - Quick Add

Suggested Prior Reading

Bidding - Overview

Bidding Participant Contacts - Overview

Bidding Messaging List - Accessing

Bidding Messaging List - Overview

Bidding - Add Participant

Quick Add

To quickly add a Bid Participant by entering just the email address and no other information:

  1. From the Bid Messaging List (see Bidding Messaging List - Accessing), click the Add Participant button.
  2. From the Add Participant drop down list, click Quick Add

The Quick Add Participant form appears.

  1. Type in the Email address of the participant
  2. Click Save

The participant will be added to the Messaging list. It will be added with only the email address and no other information.

The contact will automatically be selected to send an email invitation to.

Depending on how the list is set to be displayed (see Bid Messaging List), you may have to expand out groups to see the actual contact.

For example, if the list is set to be displayed by Trade first, Companies, Messages or Responses, then sections will have to be expanded to see that actual contact or alternatively the display can be changed to Contacts. Again, see Bid Messaging List for more information.

Next Steps

Bidding - Select Participants

Bidding - Send Project Message (including invitation to bids)

Bidding - Managing

Bidding - Award

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